'Hello World' from Unposted Letters
Here is the 'Hello world' call from unposted letters. Folks, this is our first blog post .What else would have been a better first post from us, than telling the story behind making of our brand 'Unposted Letters'?!
Unposted Letters Store creates unique limited edition art products. The key differentiation we are trying to bring about is that our products are not fully machine made or something which is mass manufactured. Each one of them are results of immense thought processes, designed and executed in the finest way possible by us. We love keeping a human touch in our every product.
The approach towards our branding combines new school graphics and traditional techniques. The designs compliments all our products by bringing our traditional methods such as screen printing, rubber seals, wax, letterpress etc. in order to create a unique visual identity. Edgy yet professional , our identity is translated seamlessly across all our touch-points, including our web-store, packaging design and even in our email communications.

We are all more than just dreamers. We like taking it easy and making ideas happen. We ensure that our creativity is contagious.We know we've got what it takes and it's going to take everything we've got. We achieve little by little, until little becomes a lot. Everyday our second chance. Everyday a better partyWe are here to create that beautiful confrontation you’ve been escaping from and to connect you to art and its stories. Each product in this collection of Unposted Letters conveys those simple, honest, colorful and heart-felt stories that you have been living through or been a part of. Because each character, each symbol and each story is about how you look at it.
We are simply, the medium. You are the message