Art Calendar 2018 - A Little More Sunshine!
Making an art calendar has basically five simple(not really simple) steps -
- Dreaming
- Designing
- Doing
- Giving
- Waiting (though you won't like it much, but yes there is!)
About our dreaming; you know that very well! We're all dreamers :-) In each moment, we're dreaming on how to make the next moment beautiful. 2018 Art Calendar being the third in such a series, it explicitly speaks the world about our three years of creative legacy and existence! We're excited to see that our ideas and realizations are reaching out to the right people across the globe.

From the very first point of this product discussion, our creative team had a very clear cut idea about how the Art Calendar 2018 should look like. We even did a lot more before our thoughts are going to the production line!
The Art Calendar being our flag carrier for next year, we had to chose the first 12 among equals. This was the most difficult part as all illustrations were equally beautiful.
Priority was to make it minimal and simple. We prepared sketches of several prototypes and spend considerable time on evaluating each, we analyzed usability and flows. Finally, three prototypes were short listed. Then we had to craft them for choosing the final one.

Fortunately, our wood artists are skilled enough to deliver more than what we're expecting. With their corrections, three prototypes were made. There was no second opinion needed in choosing the final one! Here's how the making of wooden stand -

The wooden stand is fully handmade.

Making is of 100% traditional carpentry techniques

There's a personal touch and effort behind every piece of wood

This makes the piece very genuine, unique and of course a limited edition craft.

Well, we thought of giving this to our followers in a lesser price as a part of our courtesy to art lovers around us. First batch of limited edition items were fully booked in advance. It went out of stock for a while, and we had to bring it back upon several emails and social media messages. As an honor to our followers, we had extended the pre-launch dates for another couple of days :-) Thank you friends for the acceptance and the warm welcome! Saluting you from the bottom of our heart!!!

Waiting (though you won't like it!)
We see that there are several people booking our calendar everyday! Some of them even keep sharing their excitements in advance as review, email and social media messages. While some other people keep sending us their personal messages. Heights of honor!! No words :-)
We'll start the shipping from 15th December onward. This is how we keep our promise. Remember, we're not amazon hence shipping will happen in a daily basis only as small lots. First booking first shipping. You need to bear with us.
Merry Christmas and a rocking new year in advance. Cheers..!!!